Musical perseverance: Trials can help strengthen singers


“Don’t give up. Normally it is the last key on the ring which opens the door”
— Paulo Coelho

No matter what journey you may find yourself on, odds are, it’s been a very long and arduous one. I’m sure just starting out, you probably thought that it was going to come quickly, be easy or that things would just fall into place. In rare cases, this can happen but in most the story is much different.
For me, it has definitely been the latter. I will admit that when I first started out, I was extremely naïve and that fed into the deceit of believing that success was going to happen overnight. I thought that because singing is a calling that God has put on my life that He would just remove all of the obstacles for me and I would have an easy and direct path to “success.”
Well, I can assure you, that was not — and is not — the case. As the saying goes, “new level, new devil.”
With each leg of my journey, there have been setbacks, heart breaks and discouragements. You may be reading this and asking yourself why I didn’t just give up and save myself all of the grief? Believe me, I have often asked myself that very question. But then I have to remember that anything worth having or accomplishing is never just handed to you.
Just because God calls you to do something doesn’t mean that He is going to hand you the keys and let you drive. I know that if things would’ve just fallen into place for me and happened overnight, I wouldn’t have the sense of appreciation that I do now. I wouldn’t have learned the valuable lessons that I have and am still learning. I wouldn’t have developed the character that I have and that God is still developing in me. I also wouldn’t have my story. A few years back I was asked what my story was. Admittedly I was dumbfounded because at that time, I really didn’t have a story. Looking back, I can definitely say that my journey thus far is my story.
I cross paths with so many people that are in the same boat as I have been in or am currently in. It’s such a joy to be able to share and encourage others through what I have been through and show how God’s grace has carried me and made me a stronger and better person in Him.
Always remember that you are only ever a failure if you stop trying. Maybe you will reach and accomplish all of your goals and maybe you won’t but giving up is never the answer.
If you give up at the first sign of struggle then you really aren’t ready for success. Also remember that success in God’s eyes almost always looks different than it does in your eyes, but His plans will always be greater and more beautiful than all of your disappointments.
I’d love to hear where you are on your path toward achieving dreams.

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